How Jinn Are Created In The Quran

how jinn are created

Jinn (الجن) are beings invisible to the human eye who co-exist with humans and angels in this world. The Quran and Hadith refer to them frequently as intelligent creatures made by Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) from smokeless fire, distinct from humans made of clay and angels of light. Like humans, they have free will and can … Read more

How Jinn Look Like In Islam? What Islamic Texts Reveal About Their Appearance

How Jinn Look Like

Jinn (or djinn) are supernatural beings that feature heavily in Islamic belief and theology. Created by Allah from a “smokeless flame of fire” before humans, these creatures co-exist with us here on Earth in ways we cannot fully see or comprehend. The Quran and Hadith refer to jinn on multiple occasions, giving glimpses into their … Read more